Artist - Song Title - Album Title
Danzig - Hammer of the Gods - Deth Red Sabaoth
Culted - Black Cough - Black Coffin - Of Death & Ritual
Wojczech - Letzter Ausgang Opferrolle - Wojczech/ Instinct Of Survival split
Hypo Christians - Blasting Offal - Terror During Prayer
V.N.A. - Slaughter House - Agathocles/ V.N.A. split 7"ep
The Perukers - Sprackta Snutskallar - Distortion To Hell compilation
Converge - Reap What You Sow - Axe To Fall
Lack Of Interest - Fail Me Not - This Comp Kills Fascists Volume 2 compilation
Coliseum - Crime and the City - House With a Curse
Pica - Brain Lock - The Doctors Ate the Evidence
Rehashed - Code Black - Code Black
Driller Killer - How Come? - Impaled Nazarene/ Driller Killer split ep
Shining - Healter Skelter - Blackjazz
C.R.A.S.S. - Bloody Revolutions - C.R.A.S.S./ Poison Girls split 7"
Seein Red - It Takes - It Takes Three To Fuck Things Up 7"ep
Kill Your Idols - Don't Call Me, I Won't Call You - From Companionship To Competition
R.K.L. - Unborn Child - Keep Laughing
Wretched - Nessun Valore - Libero Di Vivere / Libero Di Morire
Pasadena Napalm Division - Spell It Out - demo
-forty-ninth "Ep on 3" (in which I play a whole classic ep on the third week of the month):
Poison Idea - Record Collectors Are Pretentious assholes 12"ep (1984; Fatal Erection Records)
Vile Gash - Life-Rot - Vile Gash 7"ep
Fudge Tunnel - Random Acts of Cruelty - The Complicated Futility of Ignorance
Toxic Reasons - Noise Boys - Independence
:Wumpscut: - Christfuck - Wreath of Barbs
cEvin Key - Frozen Sky - The Ghost of Each Room
Violators - Government Stinks - The No Future Years
Paintbox - Big Ant - Cry of the Sheeps 7"ep
This Is Hell - Bloodlines - Weight of the World
Complications - Preaching Death - Complications
G.B.H. - Going Sideways - Perfume and Piss
Ministry - Burning Inside - A Mind Is a Terrible Thing To Taste
Freya - Labyrinths of the Ant People - All Hail the End
Heimat-Los - N.B.C. - Heimat-Los/ Kromozom 4 split
Unity - Explaination For Action - You Are One 7"ep
Peace Corpse - Presidente Camouflage - Quincy's Lament 7"ep
Sexvid - Always Home - Nests 7"ep
The Black League - Ecce Homo - Ichor
Landmine Marathon - Rise With the Tide - Sovereign Descent
notes: forty-ninth "Ep On Three".